With lots of hard work and practice, you can make a decent income photographing weddings. With weddings, you only get one chance to catch most of the pictures so you need to get it right the first time. With supportive family and friends, you should be able to get plenty of practice before entering the field.
When shooting a wedding it is very important you catch all of the photographs the couple wanted. Before the wedding date, you will need to set an appointment with the bride and groom to make a list of pictures that they especially want on top of the normal photos. If you search around on the net you can find some basic lists to get you a start on what you will need. The objective is to put your own special twist on these photographs so they are not everyday pictures. On the day of the wedding, you should have a list made of all the equipment you will need for the day and go over it and check it off twice. Use this same list at the end of the night to make sure you don’t forget something. You should have plenty of batteries fully charged, and lots of film or memory cards. You also should have your shot list done in the order you are planning them so it’s easy and organized. You should set up a time with the bride an hour or so before the ceremony to take some candid photographs of the bride. If you have any photographer friends you could hire them to go take photos of the groom beforehand and possibly help out during the ceremony. When you are done with the bride rush to the site of the ceremony to beat the bridal party there. Shoot shots of the bridal party coming down the isle and shoot off of your list through out the wedding. Catch the bridal party walking down the aisle to leave. Between the wedding and the reception catch all of your photographs of the bridal party and the bride and groom with parents and possibly grandparents. Now you need to rush over to the reception to catch the arrival of the party, catch pictures of the tables with the guests, the bridal dances, and the cutting of the cake. If you have the equipment set up a portable studio in a separate room out of the way.
Take any extra pictures may want at this time, this is your chance to pick up some extra cash. Find out if there is any special relatives there that are not seen often or getting up there in age to get those special pictures with the bride and or groom. When the wedding is all over your job has just begun, now you need to go through all of the photographs and find the best of the best. Do your editing, and create a special album.